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A young family unboxing their things in a new home they just purchased.

Your Mortgage made easy

From your 1st home purchase to your 10th, we’ll make it easy for you to fund & refinance!


Our Award Winning Chief Mortgage Broker, Lee Wisniewski and his team are here to do the heavy lifting on your home loan applications.

From the search, all the way to the settlement, we will find the best loan for your situation so you can focus on finding your dream home!

Meet Lee. 

500 +


700 +


1000 +



What our clients are saying

Don't take our word for it!
We have over a 100+ 5 Star Google Reviews

We have been looked after by Lee and the Fidget team for years now for all our refinancing needs. Professional, down to earth, honest and very understanding of our needs, no questions left unanswered. Would highly recommend the Fidget team, thanks Lee and Marielle!

Sara Mckenney

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One hour with Fidget could save you years off your home loan.

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